Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Sat, Monday, and Tuesday

Saturday we checked in for our "Circle of Awesomeness Challenge" I knew we were doing vertical jumps and 150 wall balls for our tests for the day, and I was a little worried about how that would happen with all of these people! As usual, our coaches have a great plan, three heats. We were in heat 2 and my friend, Michelle, was in heat 1. I counted for her and she counted for me.

My first few weeks at CrossFit there was a WOD where we had to do wall balls and a few other things. I could not even do 10 wall balls without wanting to quit. Well, Saturday I did 150 in 8 minutes and 10 seconds!!! It was awful and awesome! I love the feel of the group cheering each other on, pushing, digging deep, it is so cool.

My vertical jump is 88 inches, I am short and heavy, this will only get better.

The rest of Saturday and all of Sunday my legs were screaming in protest with every step that I took. I was a little worried about working out again on Monday, but knew that I needed to.

Monday morning I woke up, looked at the WOD and seriously considered going back to bed. Holy Cow!

Level Two
A1. Ring Dips x6-8 x3 Rest :45
A2. DB Snatch x5/arm x3 Rest :45
A3. MB Walking Overhead Lunges x10/legx3 Rest :45
*Post weights to comments

5 Rounds
200m Run
15 Box Jumps (24″, 20″)
15 Tic Tacs/side (20 lb, 14 lb)
*Total time, Rx or scale recorded

For Ring dips I did something else and I don't remember what it is called, but I sat on a box then lowered myself off of it with my hands stationary, up and down. (crappy description, sorry)
Dumbbell snatches with 20# weights on both arms. I am working my left arm up to be as strong as my right, as of this point the 20# feels pretty heavy on the left.
MB Overhead lunges, I did reverse lunges while stabilizing on the pull up bars. Still working on my lunge mobility.

WOD thoughts. My legs are toast at this point. How exactly am I going to get through 5 rounds of this stuff? Even with rowing through the runs? Throughout the 30 minutes from reading to leaving, I formulated a plan. I would row and ride the Airdyne alternating. I would build my own "box" out of weight plates to make a larger platform than the 12inx12in red box that I have tried to jump on and failed, and I would do each round at a time, then repeat. (My problem with the red box is that I am bigger around than it is, so I have to make sure to keep my feet together and I am terrified of missing it and hurting myself to a point of not being able to continue working out.)

I told Boone that I was going to build my own box and he said ok, so off I went. I stacked 3 35# plates on top of each other and then put another stack right next to that one. A place for each foot. Wider than my body. Just make sure not to jump in the middle where they were not touching. I can do this.

3-2-1 Go! I rowed the first 200m, then walked confidently to my "box" and stood there. Seriously??? What is wrong with me? Just jump! I could not do it, so I just did step ups. Boone was so encouraging, "It's ok, just do what you can" I came back with "I did 150 wall balls on Saturday, apparently it is going to be only one step at a time" Round two came up and I decided I was going to jump on that blasted thing, and I DID!!! He wasn't looking until I had done 11, and by then I felt like flying! Round three I dedcided to put more height on and put a 25# plate on each stack, jump and land, 15 times! On the last round I snagged my toe on one of the plates and fell, in the air all I could think of was "preserve the knee" so I threw my shoulder across and came down on the side of my good knee and did a ninja roll. Those who witnessed were impressed :) Then I got up and jumped back on those plates and FINISHED! The last few tic tacs just about did me in and Caitlyn said "If you don't finish those I am going to make you do Tabata abs" Well that kicked it in, and I finished. 20:48. I felt amazing, but exhausted. As the day wore on, me legs felt everything that I had done the past few days and I really wished for the ability to pee standing up again. I had a moment that I thought I may have to spend the night at Fry's in the ladies room...standing from a sitting position=pain.

As I went to bed, at 8:30, I was wondering what Tuesday had in store for me and if I would even be able to get out of bed to do it. Amazingly enough, when I got up this morning I felt pretty good. Until I realized that we had to do a 2 mile run for time. Both kids grumbled and I said "Let's just go get this done"

Tusday's WOD
Level Two
Test 4: 1-Rep Max Power Snatch in 20 Minutes
Test 5: L-Sit Hold (2 attempts within the 60 Minutes of class time)
Test 6: 2-Mile Time Trial (2o Minute Cap)

1 rep Power Snatch was 65#! I need to learn to get more aggressive and know that I will be able to lift more there.

L-sit hold, scaled down to L hang hold, not really sure about one being easier than the other, either way, I am not to good at this. I hung from the bar and put my legs on the box..Wes said "ok, lift. Go ahead and lift your legs" I said "I did! Didn't you see them?" Well, they didn't move more than a half an inch off the box for a fraction of a second, so I did it for him again. Definitely room for improvement!

2 mile time trial~ hmmmm I don't really have much to say about this except I don't run. My knee is still in it's post injection, waiting for relief, stage and I knew it would really hurt if I tried to run. I didn't fancy rowing 2 miles (3200m) so I just decided to walk until I was told to stop. After the first lap my knee was hurting pretty bad so I told Wes that I would walk another lap and then get on the bike. After that lap, it was still hurting, but not worse, so I decided to keep going. I did 4 laps (1 mile) in just over 20 minutes. Room for improvement there also :)

Tomorrow we start our challenge. I am going to the store today and have recipes ready to go. 6 weeks of no sugar, no grains, eating whole foods, drinking LOTS of water, 8 hours of sleep, deal with stress, consistent exercise, and lots more. I will keep accountability on this blog as well as my daily log for my coaches. I am looking forward to this, will probably complain about it, may love parts of it, and will be changed more than I am at the end of it! Let's bring it!!


Anonymous said...

This post is one of my favorites, I was smiling all the way through. Congrats on taking charge of your workout, that's what it's all about.

If the same woman I've seen in the gym, and read about here, is participating in the challenge, I don't think it will be THAT hard. You have proved to have resources to draw on to get you through just about anything - this is just one more challenge to leave in your wake of accomplishment. Gitsome!

Cindy said...

Thank you do much. You have become more than coach, I am honored to call you friend. Your words have inspired me to get out there and just do it!!