Thursday, January 26, 2012

Everybody...LIFT and Squat!

Thursday morning back in the gym. I was a little worried about post injection workout especially since I haven't really done much since Tuesday. It was feeling pretty good so I decided to walk instead of row for the warmup run time. The old pain started, but none of the injection pain that I was having.

Warm up went ok, there was one movement that didn't work, but I don't remember now what it was :/

Today's WOD
Level Two
Strength/Make Up Day
A. DLs x4-5×4 @ 75-80% Rest 3:00
B. Pause Front Box Squat x5x4 @ RPE 8-9 Rest :30
C. Ab Circuit x 1 Rounds, No Rest:
- Superman Hold :60
- Plank Holds :90/side
- Tic-Tacs :60 total

Deadlifts I went 145# and on the last one, Boone said that it looked too easy, so I should have gone up. Next time :)

Pause Front Box Squats...I hate that box under my rear, it is just an invitation to sit. I started out with 55# and increased to 75#. I decided to keep it under my last weight because it was a squat and pause and I still was a little guarded about what my knee would do. Squat just to the box, pause 3 seconds, and push back up. It really felt good, heavy, but good. I think I chose the right weight to get these done.

Oh Lord, these AB circuits kill me everytime. I am sure that I have abs of steel under the insulation I am carrying. I can't wait to uncover them! Superman hold I lasted 45 seconds dropped and went back up for the rest of the time. Side planks, I really have a hard time getting my big rump off the floor for this one, but went up on my knees and came down/back up twice on each side. Tic Tacs...just yuck, but done.

I am missing my friend Jenny this week, she has been out all week fighting some kind of crud. I want her to come back soon!!

Saturday we start our Circle of Awesomeness Challenge. I will post details after our initial meeting on Saturday. Tomorrow, the girls and I will go in for our beginning stats. I have been wavering on whether or not to post my stats on here. I have decided that I have been honest in all ways and now is not the time to start hiding stuff. It is not like you can't look at my body and know that I have come a long way and still have a ways to go. It is just a fact. So, tomorrow, I will post all of my beginning stats. Then in 6 weeks I will post the end ones. It will be a good day!

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