Monday, January 23, 2012


I got up this morning, went through my morning routine, which includes checking on the WOD, and almost crawled back into bed. OMG this will be a rough one. However, when you are on a journey like this you get a lot of sayings stuck in your of them is, "If your workout doesn't scare you, you need to get a new workout" Well, this one scared the hell out of me.

Monday's WOD
Level Two
A1. HSPU xAMRAP (-2) x3 Rest :45
A2. Kip Toes to Bar xAMRAP (-2) x3 Rest :45
*Scale to a version you can complete at least 3 reps per round

15 Clean to Thruster 50-60% of C&J Max
800M Run

5:00 Active Rest
30 contacts of Jump Rope Singles
30 contacts of Jump Rope Ski Jumps
30 contacts of Jump Rope Double Unders

15 Clean to Thruster @ 50-60% of C&J Max
800 M Run
*Post final time and clean to thruster weight

For the skill session I did pike handstand pushups and did 5 each round. Then I did knees to waist/chest and did 3 each round.

I knew I would not be able to run 800m so I was ready to row my arms off, but the level 1 class was also rowing so I did the airdyne bike for my run.

I used 35# for my clean to thrusters and only stopped once each 15. I don't jump rope yet because getting high enough to get the rope under my feet consistently hurts my knee, I just jumped in place for all of the singles, side to side for the ski jumps and then in place again double for the double unders. I really hate it when I have to jump and everything else keeps jumping on my body.

OMG, that 1000m row. I had to wait a few minutes to get started because the rowers were full, and then after 250m I was ready to quit. This is the part I love about CrossFit. Everyone started cheering me on and encouraging me, I heard Boone say "pull back a little farther and get everything out of each pull" that was great, just do it and keep doing it, there was counting, "keep it up", "halfway there", "300 more, 200 more, 100 more, 50, 25, 2 more good pulls" I was done and I am so thankful for every word spoken! We haven't rowed that much in quite some time and I took everything I had left in me to get it done. Final time for WOD: 22:23 I finished and that is what matters!


hwalkerf said...


that is all.

PS. Way to go!

Cindy said...

It just about killed me...but I hate running more!