Thursday, January 26, 2012

Skill Session = Workout and then a Workout

I know that "what doesn't kill me will make me stronger" and all of those other things are true, but oh my granny...these last two workouts have been a booger!

Today's WOD
Level Two
A1. Strict CTB Chin-ups 5-3-AMRAP Rest :60 (I did Ring Rows, tight and nice)
A2. Hang Snatch x2-3×5 @ RPE 8-9 Rest :60 (I used 35# if I remember correctly)
A3. Front Rack Reverse Lunges x5/legx3 @ Snatch Weight Rest :60 (still not using a bar, but stabilizing myself and getting all the way to my knee on the lunge)
*post pull-up reps and weight to comments

3 Rounds
6 CTB Pull-ups (Vets may scale up to Muscle-ups M:4, W:2 )
8 TnG Deadlifts @ 55-60%
10 KB Swings (24K, 16K)
*Rx, Time, and DL weight recorded

After a skill session that felt like a full on workout, especially since I did the snatches out of order and ended up doing 4 rounds of them instead of 3, we dove head into the WOD. Before I started I said "this is going to suck"...

I did ring rows, made sure I was leaning far back, keeping tight, lowering slowly so I could get my full range of motion for each one.
95# for touch and go deadlifts
12K (26#) for Kettlebell swings. Those stinking things may look easy but I will tell you that they. are. not. During that last round of them I wanted to say many bad words and was a little afraid that I might lose my grip on this weight and it would go sailing over my head and toward 15 more people all kajillion pounds of it!

3 rounds of craziness for 4 minutes and 37 seconds. I lifted myself up on the ring rows 18 times, deadlifted 95# 24 times, and I swung that 26# kettle bell between my knees and over my head 30 times (give or take one or two, I lost count once) By the way, it did suck, but I did it and am proud of myself and both of my girls for completing it!!

Some may ask, is that it? Only 4 minutes and 37 seconds for your workout?? I invite you to come hang out one morning, it is really too hard to explain what all we actually do in our full hour together, but know that the 4 min and 37 seconds just a small part of it :)

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