Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Well I did it....

I fell apart in my CrossFit class this morning....during stretching warmup of all things. I was tired and my knee hurt with everything that I was doing. A few times I almost tapped out, but kept pushing. Finally the rest of the class went in and I went to pieces. Cried for a little bit, washed my face and went back into the back of the class, hoping no one noticed. We started doing spiderman stretches and my knee hurt again, so I crumbled to tears again. Crap! Tristy was awesome, just asked if my back was bothering me (since it has also been bothering me since Sunday, stress settles there), but that wasn't it. It was my stupid knee and I was so frustrated. She just got an abmat for me to rest it on instead of the floor and I got right back in. It felt so much better being on that. (must remember!)

I was so afraid of the WOD, it looked like so much and since I got there 30 minutes to get Sarah to class I got to watch the 5:30 Level 2 do it. Wow, intense.

Level Two
Kip Pull-up Review

Kip CTB Pull-ups (CTB is chest to bar)
Box Jump (30”, 24”)
Toes to Bar
200 M Run

The first numbers mean that you do that number of reps of all moves in that round, so there were 9 total rounds with 1-5 reps, and a 200m run (row for me) at the end of each round. OMG! So my sweet friends Jenny and Erica said, let's do this, and we decided where to scale and where to get busy and off we went.

I did kipping jumping chin to bar, step ups, and knees to chest or waist depending on how far I was into the rounds. I really thought I was not going to make it and tried to figure out how to make it. The secret is to just keep moving. The neatest thing about being last is that everyone comes to cheer you on. The last three rounds of the row, I just counted my pulls, 1-10 back down to 1 up to 10 and back down, that usually got me at least to the 200. This way I could close my eyes and go away, not worrying about how far I had to go, just counting. On the second to last round, I just kept hearing my grandmother say how proud she was of me, that almost did me in. I was on my own on my last round of 1 rep each, at each station someone different said, "You can do this, 1 left!" I just focused on each task, one thing at a time, then on to that rower, which at this point is no longer my friend. I closed my eyes and started pulling, I heard people gathering around me, encouraging me, loving me, helping me get it done, and then it was over. I was done. I completed my very first full WOD at Level 2. No less rounds than everyone else, just scaled for me. That encouragement is what CrossFit is all about. It did not push me to hurt myself, didn't make me go farther than my ability, it only made me find in myself the desire to finish, the only thing that was hurting were my lungs. My pride in myself was soaring, my love of CrossFit was lifting, my gratefulness of my CrossFit family was glowing. Soon I will know all of the names of my new friends in Level 2 6:30 class, but for now I will give a shout out to Jenny for all of your encouragement all the time, but especially today on the rower side by side, Erica, who can jump all over that box and lift beautifully, and Tristy, who gave me a warm hand on the back and an abmat to rest my knee on :) as well as all of her continuous encouragement. Others I know by sight and not name yet, but Thank You also. Today was tough but it did not beat this CrossFit girl, she is just getting started.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Forgot to post today's WOD

A. Press x2×5 Rest 3:00 work to heavy but not Max 2
B1. Squat x10×3 @ 65-70% rest :90
B2. Weighted Strict Chin-up x4-6×3 Rest :90
C. DL x3×3 @ 80% Rest 2:00

Sorry! I did a 52# press, 52# back squats, ring rows with a 3 second hold tight at the top of each (thanks MGJ), and 82# deadlift, with 4 135# deadlifts on the end!!

I am sore this afternoon, but feel like it was a GREAT workout. Again, love all of the encouragement :)

Playing with the big kids...

Yesterday was my first WOD in Level 2....Oh my granny!! It was also Haley and Sarah's first day of Crossfit. I am so excited that they are joining me on this journey and can't wait to see how they progress as they go through it. I was so focused on their first workout, I really did not look closely at mine yesterday.

Hip Snatch Waveload 5-3-5-3-5-3
*Rest :90 btwn sets
*Increase each rep range


5 Rounds:
5 Power Cleans
5 Barbell Lunges/leg
400 M Run
*M: 115 W: 85

Since I didn't know exactly what the skill session meant I just glazed past it and scanned the WOD, What I saw, stuff and a 400 meter run (row for me)...hmm I can do that! What I didn't see 'gulp' 5 ROUNDS! OMG, I missed that part completely. While I was watching the class before me finish up I realized that I was in trouble and it was too late to leave. So I just decided I would do my best and that is what I would do.

Jenny introduced me to all of the others in the class, (all boys who could lift a small car), and off we went. It was a hard warmup and hard skill session but felt good. I got a compliment on my squat and that felt good. I really think that good form is the most important part of CrossFit. If your forms sucks then you will get hurt and I am already climbing up the hardest side of the hill with my weight and age, so I don't need any more deficits. Therefore, I will take all of the coaching I am offered and fix everything that they tell me. Sometimes I need a few things fixed in a row because my brain gets confused between the lifts, so when I get told hold your hands closer together or put the bar closer to your body/legs I do it because I just plain forget! Arrogant I am not...teachable I am!

After selecting my clean weight and Boone deciding that I should not use weight on my lunges, we were off. After my first round, Boone said "I think I am only going to have you do 3 rounds." I said "I think I will let you do that!" He may have been afraid that I might splat on the new gym floor :) Either way, I did 3 rounds and I was wiped out! Thank you Jenny and Boone for all of the encouragement! (I am sure there were others but in my exhausted state I don't remember!)

Haley and Sarah did GREAT with Wes for their first workout, they will be back at it on Wednesday.

Today I came in ready, I knew what most of the WOD meant and knew that all of it meant STRENGTH DAY!

It is fun lifting with these guys, having the freedom to feel my way around what works best for me, jumping in at the end with Jenny and Erica to try my hand at a few reps of heavy weights, getting great coaching from everyone, and learning a good way to maximize a scaled move so I can get the best workout for me. Level 2 may kick my bootie, but I will learn every day what it takes inside of me to be strong. Also along the way I am making new friends and learning to love me again.

A side note, stress has been running rampant through my house and body the last few weeks. My grandmother passed away, I was sick for a week, our water heater went out, we had some major work on my Saturn, came home this Sunday to a water leak in the yard (we thought), it has turned out to be a leak under the house in the very middle of the house, sold my Saturn, and today bought a car. It has been a blessing to have CrossFit to turn to, not food, which was my drug of choice before.

Today my sister posted a bible verse that really spoke to me and I wanted to share it, so I will end with this:

Colossions 1:11 We pray that you'll have the strength to stick it out over the long haul - not the grim strength of gritting your teeth but the glory-strength God gives. It is strength that endures the unendurable and spills over into joy

This is my strength, I may grit my teeth and hold my breath during my workouts, but my inner strength comes from the Lord.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Holy Lifting Batman!

What a day! Today I deadlifted 125#!!! It felt great!

Today's WOD
Level One (Day 12)
KB Swings

A. Hip/Hang Snatch x2×3 rest :90
B. Clean x1×3 Rest 2:00
C. DL 3×3 rest 2:00D.

Everything is really starting to click into place. In fact, I was asked if I wanted to move to Level 2! Walker said she thought I was ready, Tristy seconded that opinion yesterday. So, after voicing all of my concerns and having them addressed, I think I am ready to make the jump. It is a scary one and one that I don't take lightly. Some of the things they do really scare me! BUT, everything can be scaled for my fitness level and I have some amazing workout friends who will be right there with me!!

Time for some more changes. I will be partnering with my cousin Misty and my friend Jenny to get a handle on our diet. Changing eating patterns is not easy, but we are armed with some great information and we are all ready to do this!! The good thing, for me, about working out is that I am pretty conscious about what I am putting in my body, but I need to get better....I do still love the ice cream and sweet tea!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Oh me, oh my....

I feel like it is my first week all over again! I am so sore tonight! Today's workout almost did me in. I was so frustrated with the jump rope and then the box...that stinkin box!

I went into today feeling great! Then the jump ropes. I don't even know what to say except that it was just ugly on that side of the room! I cannot jump rope well at all. AND my rope was awful, so the moral of this is that I am going to buy my own jump rope and start working on it at home! Moving on...

I did the advanced skill session, 3 rounds of
30 second handstand hold
5 box (step) jumps
5 toes to bar (knees to wherever the heck i can get them, remember?)
BUT, wait..I actually got my knees to my waist!! WHOOHOOOO!! Only 3, not 5 but 3!!

Onto the WOD
10 Minute AMRAP:
5 Toes to Bar
5 Box Jumps (step down)
5 Push-ups
20 Single Jumps (jump rope)

I did 4 rounds. Last month I did 3, YEAH!! AND, I jumped up on the next level of step!! After having a hard time starting it, Walker just said "DO IT!" and I did!! Only one round because after that I was tired and it mentally won. I should mention that I was a little disappointed in myself that everyone, I mean everyone, else in my class (even the people that it was their FIRST day) jumped on their prescribed height of box. But I told myself that none of them have the kind of weight that I have to get up on that box, so I will just work on me and stop worrying about anyone else!

I came home and we were talking about boxes and Bart decided to make one for us to jump on at home. It is almost done and I am excited to start seeing what can happen.

This day 4 weeks ago was such an amazing day and I was looking forward to amazing again. I did get another level of box jump and that is awesome! I know that I will not have earth moving days all the time and that is ok. I will continue to celebrate all sizes of accomplishments every time they happen!

Oh my granny, but I hurt tonight. Being out of the gym for a week is hard on the body. Pushing through, happy to have a day off tomorrow for recovering, lifting on Thursday!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Love this Blog and had to share...

Back in the Saddle, er Rower again

First day back to anything after taking a week off is brutal and today was not much different. I spend the 20 minutes between getting out of bed and into the car actually telling myself "Just get in the car, then you won't want to get back in the bed...really, hurry up and get in the car, NOW!" So I did.

The warmup just about did me in. Not sure I was going to make it through it, but I did. Then time for workout...

Today's WOD
Level 1 (Day 10)

Jerk progression

3 x 500m Row
Rest 5:00
*Jerk skill practice during rest

I did ok on the row, actually I did better and shaved about 45 seconds off of my last month's 500m time trial on the first one. The second two times, I had to stop in the middle, started seeing stars and that is not a good sign, breathe, and jump back in.

Walker picked out great music for today and it really got us in a good grove for jerk skill practice. I was a little worried about putting weight over my head after being out for a week, but Michelle talked Val and I into it. We all ended up doing 77# for several sets of three and it felt great!!

It is so good to be back. I missed my friends and I missed the great feeling I have after a workout. Today I jumped on the scale and have lost between 10-15 pounds in the last 8 weeks. No wonder my pants are starting to fall off.

I chose the picture and quote "It is a shame for a woman to grow old without ever seeing the strength and beauty of which her body is capable" because it is something that I want to teach my daughters. There is a place inside of you that you draw strength from, I know that mine comes from the Lord. I know that I can do all things with Him. He made me capable, I made me weak. I know that He doesn't want to hear my excuses for why I have let this beautiful body that He gave me just fall apart. I know that He is always there for me to fall upon when things get hard. I know that He is pleased that I am doing this. I know that I am pleased that I am doing this. I am proud of myself for doing something for myself, and I have not had that feeling in many years, if ever.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Stealing from my sister's blog

While I am waiting on cakes to bake tonight, I went to visit my sister's CrossFit Fly blog. You can check out her complete site at and if you happen to be in Newport Beach, CA, check out her box! While reading through her blogs I decided to steal one and post it here. I am choosing to be part of the 2%, I hope you join me!

A dear friend and mentor taught me a concept last year that I want to share with you. It’s the law of 2%.

Carey said, “Look around. See what everyone else is doing, and do the exact opposite.”

We live in a culture of instant gratification and extreme comfort. When we think about our hopes and dreams, we rarely turn those dreams into goals, actions steps, and ultimately, reality. Why? Because we are not practiced in the act of putting forth a consistent amount of effort for an exponential return. What do I mean by this? We often set out on a path toward something we want, and as soon as it gets a little uncomfortable or hard, we bail. Oh, we have good excuses. We can rationalize to the point that no one can argue. This does not have to be our fate. We need only decide that we will not conform to our society.

If we want to ACHIEVE things that others do not, we must be willing to DO things that others will not.

What will this look like for you? Will it mean turning off the tv, and picking up a thoughtful book? Perhaps you will spend less time browsing the internet, and more time buying and preparing food that will fuel your body and prolong your life. Maybe you will not spend $150 dollars on another pair of jeans- $150 dollars today that could be $3,500 when you retire. Or maybe, just maybe, you will train smarter. You will spend an extra 15 minutes a day, three times a week doing a pull/press program so that you can get that pull up… that muscle up. Maybe you will train while everyone else is sleeping in, or while others are at happy hour.

This is what it looks like – ACTION. It is NOT living life unconsciously or going with the flow. It is making thoughtful decisions about where you spend your resources. Not just where you spend your money, but also your time, talents, and even your thoughts.

Carey asked a group of us, “Where can you see that you may be following the mass. Stop, do the exact opposite. Action leads to results. 2% of you will change your mind and get to work. 98% of you will settle.”

I suspect the percentage of you, FLY GIRLS, will be much higher.

Over the next couple of weeks, we will be meeting with you to talk about your goals. Think about it. Don’t just write something down. Make sure it’s something that you want badly enough to work for… that you want it enough to be the 2% who will do the work!" Jill (posted October 3rd)

This week, I am going to write down my goals. I should have done it 8 weeks ago when I started CrossFit, but better late than never have something to shoot for!

I miss my workouts, I miss my friends

I have been out for a week. Sickness sucks and I have had a stuffy head, snotty nose, cough, and popping ears. I want to go to sleep at 10am and 2 pm and do head that direction at 9pm. I have gotten up twice this week at 5am to work out and fell back into bed with my body telling me that I am not ready.

Yesterday afternoon I started feeling like a human again, still coughing like I have been smoking for 50 years, but better. Today I am progressively getting better and better. Tomorrow I am taking my whole family to CrossFit Austin's Fall Fit Festival to workout, together. It will probably feel like the first time to me too since I have been out for a week. But I am so ready to get back in the saddle.

About a month ago, I told someone who had been out for a week, "Wow, if I ever miss a week I don't think I will be back" Well.....that was the old me, the new me likes feeling awesome, the new me likes finding new muscles in places that I didn't feel them before, the new me likes that my pants are falling off all day, the new me likes the new me and loves CrossFit. So last night, I signed up for 4 classes per week for the next two weeks. I am sure it will be torture on Monday morning, but my new friends will cheer me on, they have faith in me and I am learning to have faith in me too.

I have decided that my body was tired so I got sick for a week. I needed to know that I could miss workouts for a week and I would actually miss them so much that I would be yearning to get back to them. I can't wait to see what this week holds. This time 4 weeks ago was the MOST AMAZING week ever! Handstands, jumping up on a step, and more. Stay tuned. I promise to keep up with my blog better than ever starting on Monday. I will talk every day about my journey. Again, not just for you, but for me. So I can remember every step of this path.

Monday, October 3, 2011

In memory of...

Tonight my beautiful grandmother left this earth and went to live where she will no longer be in pain or a wheelchair.

She is one of the reasons that I began CrossFit, my grandmother had Multiple Sclerosis and I know that it is hereditary. I saw her struggle in every day tasks and had to help her to the bathroom on many occasions. I kept thinking, "What if this happens to me? Will there be anyone who can actually lift my fat self out of my wheelchair and help me?"

6 weeks ago when I began my crossfit journey she was so happy for me and proud of me. She told me to keep it up, even when it got hard. After several visits and me telling her some of what I was going through she said I should write a book about my journey. That is partly why I started this blog, she said I should have something to look back on to see how far I have come.

Every time I saw her she would ask me "How are your workouts?" or "Are you still working out?" I was proud of myself that I could tell her "Yes ma'am, and I am getting stronger every day"

A few days ago, she opened her eyes and looked into mine and said "You are so beautiful and I can tell that you are working out" Those were the last coherent words that she spoke to me.

As a 43 year old I know that I am so blessed to have had so much time with my grandmother. She loved her family, books, and football. And, I loved her.