Thursday, January 5, 2012

Over and over these overhead squats

Being out of the gym (unscheduled) for more than a day is a nuisance for me. (add that to the never thought I would say that book) So when a nasty allergy head keeps me out for two days it really ticks me off. But on the other hand, I was a little happy to rest my body from that Work Capacity day on Monday. My hamstrings and traps were still pretty whiny when I went to bed last night. but 5:30 came and Sarah and I got in the car like a couple of troupers.

Today's WOD
Level Two
Strength/Make Up Day
A1. OVHD Squat or Frank Squat x10-12×3 @ 20X2 Rest :45
A2. Horizontal Ring Rows x10-12×3 @ 30X1 Rest :45
B1. Front Rack Reverse Lunges x6-8/Leg x3 @ 20X1 Rest :45
B2. DB Bench Press x4+4+4 (Right+Left+ Both)x3 Rest :45
C1. DB Ext. Rot. x12-15/arm @3010 x2 Rest :30
C2. Hollow Rocks x8-10×2 Rest :30
C3. KB Cross Chops x15-20/side x2 Rest :30

I love strength day, which has now moved from Tuesday to Thursday and I had absolutely no desire to make up any of the torture WOD's from the past few days, so off we went.

I did my overhead squats at 35# which I felt really good with. Of course, Wes would like to see me get "about an inch lower" We have this on going conversation that goes like doing any kind of squat with weight and saying in my head "lower, lower, box, no box, no box" and then Wes saying out loud "just about a inch lower Cindy" to which I will go just about an inch lower because I don't want that dreaded box under my behind.... I know it is so I know when I have gone as low as I am supposed to that I will touch the box with my bootie, but really all I want to do is sit on it, not touch and go back up. That is my motivation! Well, today I went lower and felt something different. I think I now know what getting low enough feels like. There is a weird spot that I get to where I cannot arch my back any more and I feel my tailbone go straight. I am sure that is not the best explanation, but when I felt that he said "Good!!" So I knew I nailed it :) Three rounds with horizontal ring rows in between. I am not so great at the horizontal part, but I laid back as far as I knew I could and got 10 each round with great form!

Front Rack Reverse Lunges and Dumbell Bench Press. My lunges in any direction just suck. Honest truth. I am just top heavy and balance is not that great, so I started doing these with my weights and Wes pulled me aside to do them unweighted using the stand of the pullup bar for assistance. That works so well!! I am going to master this lunge! I used 10# for the dumbell press and am annoyed I really should have used 15, oh well, cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it. There is always next time!

DB External Rotators, Hollow Rocks, Kettlebell CrossChops (what?)
I did 10# external rotators and it felt great. Last time, a few weeks ago, I used 10 on my right arm but had to go to 5 on my left. I just said that with my job my right arm is stronger, but I guess I proved that wrong today!
Hollow Rocks just suck, nuf said.
Kettlebell Crosschops, I had no idea what those were when I walked into the gym and neither did anyone else, so we got a demonstration. I don't even know if I can explain it. You hold the KB with both hands like you want it to be in your pocket, standing in a semi squat, abs in, butt out; then you swing it toward your opposite shoulder across your chest, while moving to a standing position, so you are rotating your upper torso. Well, I grabbed a baby KB that weighed 5, 10, a kajillion pounds maybe? I really don't know, all I know is that it was the smallest and it was not light. We all forgot how many reps we were supposed to do so we did 5 and then went and checked the board...wrong! 15-20 per side, holy cow!! I did figure out that once you got started it was not awful to do that many, but it wasn't easy by any measure!

It felt good getting back into the gym today. I may sneak in one tomorrow.

On a sad note, a very dear friend of mine passed away this afternoon. I am heartbroken because he was only 45 and leaves behind one of my very best friends. His poor body was just tired and ready to go home. I know that he is with Jesus and is no longer in pain, but still my selfish self wants him to not be gone. He will be a constant motivation to me in the gym in spirit. Rest in eternal peace, my friend.

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