Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Holy Kettlebells!

Tuesday it was just Sarah and I, Haley opted for a rest day after "Karen" yesterday!

I feel like I slept on the way to the gym, some mornings I can pop out of bed, but today was not one of those days.

Tuesday's WOD
Level Two
A1. Muscle-up Wave 3-2-1-3-2-1 rest :60
A2. TnG Power Cleans Wave 3-2-1-3-2-1 @ 70-80% Rest :60
*Post Notes to comments


1200m Run
40 KB Russian Swings (24K, 16K)
20 Box Jumps (24”, 20”)
10 TnG Deadlifts @ 50%- 55%

Muscle-up wave, I did box dips (tricep dips) 4-5 reps for 6 rounds
TnG Power Cleans I worked between 45# and 65# I finally felt like I got the right position when I smashed my trachea!! And will have beautiful bruises on my shoulders also :)

Ok, I spent the morning before class wondering what I should do for this 1200meter run, I am still having pain in my knee and can only actually run about 300m at this point. Rowing a 1200 and then doing all of the other arm work in this workout would have been torture, so I decided to do the airdyne bike, good cardio with no arm wreckage. I rode until 5 people came in from their run and then moved on to the rest.
40KB swings at 12K (26#)
20 red box stepups
10 TnG deadlifts at 95#

9:47 modified with the bike. Really starting to hate having to modify :/

My challenge is going well, it is stressful to figure out how to make sure all meals qualify for the nutritional part, and make sure that I get enough sleep. I am down to 241 pounds and for the first time in 20 years actually own a scale. Still recognizing that I am more than a number on the scale, but enjoying the fact that it is moving in a downward motion!

Last night I watched my daughters participate in a self defense course with the Austin Police Explorer group. They were both punching into a punch pad being held by 19 and 17 year old boys. girls were knocking those boys back with each hit. I am so happy to see the changes that CrossFit is making in their life as well as mine. I am very proud of them!

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