Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Strength DAY :D

I love strength day, it is my favorite. I just feel like I can take on the world. Of course every time I feel like this something happens to knock me a little off :/ Today my knee was hurting again during warmup. Yesterdays thrusters did a number on me so I called to make an appt with an orthopedist. I have got to get this taken care of. Usually I can push through the pains or they come later in the day, but we were doing some lateral moves that just rub it the wrong way so I limped out :( But I did the rest of the warmup and then moved on to lifting!

Today's WOD was
A1. Bench Press x4-6×4 @ 70-75% Rest :60
A2. High Box Jump x3×4 rest :90
B. Squat x10×3 (Set 1: increase 5-10 lbs from last week, Set 2: 95%, Set 3: 90%) rest 2:00
C. DL x4×3 @ 80% Rest 2:00
D. Ab Circuit: Planks, Tic-tacs, Hollow Holds

I did a 70# bench press, step ups, 65# squats (modified to help my knee some), and 135# on deadlift. It felt good and then I went to try a bigger weight on DL..153#!! I have a new PR on deadlift. In fact I have had new PR's on pretty much everything that I have done this week. So I am feeling pretty good about this :)

Tomorrow I have an Airrosti appointment for my back (knot of stress that has been living there), and next Wednesday I have an orthopedist appt for my knee. I am ready for my body to be at full movement so I can continue to progress!!!

Sunday I put on a shirt that I have not worn since beginning my workouts It just slid all the way down over my hips like it never has before. The scale is not moving a whole lot, but my body is toning and I am loving the difference!!


hwalkerf said...

Yay on your deadlift that is so awesome!!

Cindy said...

Thanks :)