Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Oh me, oh my....

I feel like it is my first week all over again! I am so sore tonight! Today's workout almost did me in. I was so frustrated with the jump rope and then the box...that stinkin box!

I went into today feeling great! Then the jump ropes. I don't even know what to say except that it was just ugly on that side of the room! I cannot jump rope well at all. AND my rope was awful, so the moral of this is that I am going to buy my own jump rope and start working on it at home! Moving on...

I did the advanced skill session, 3 rounds of
30 second handstand hold
5 box (step) jumps
5 toes to bar (knees to wherever the heck i can get them, remember?)
BUT, wait..I actually got my knees to my waist!! WHOOHOOOO!! Only 3, not 5 but 3!!

Onto the WOD
10 Minute AMRAP:
5 Toes to Bar
5 Box Jumps (step down)
5 Push-ups
20 Single Jumps (jump rope)

I did 4 rounds. Last month I did 3, YEAH!! AND, I jumped up on the next level of step!! After having a hard time starting it, Walker just said "DO IT!" and I did!! Only one round because after that I was tired and it mentally won. I should mention that I was a little disappointed in myself that everyone, I mean everyone, else in my class (even the people that it was their FIRST day) jumped on their prescribed height of box. But I told myself that none of them have the kind of weight that I have to get up on that box, so I will just work on me and stop worrying about anyone else!

I came home and we were talking about boxes and Bart decided to make one for us to jump on at home. It is almost done and I am excited to start seeing what can happen.

This day 4 weeks ago was such an amazing day and I was looking forward to amazing again. I did get another level of box jump and that is awesome! I know that I will not have earth moving days all the time and that is ok. I will continue to celebrate all sizes of accomplishments every time they happen!

Oh my granny, but I hurt tonight. Being out of the gym for a week is hard on the body. Pushing through, happy to have a day off tomorrow for recovering, lifting on Thursday!!

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