Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Sat, Monday, and Tuesday

Saturday we checked in for our "Circle of Awesomeness Challenge" I knew we were doing vertical jumps and 150 wall balls for our tests for the day, and I was a little worried about how that would happen with all of these people! As usual, our coaches have a great plan, three heats. We were in heat 2 and my friend, Michelle, was in heat 1. I counted for her and she counted for me.

My first few weeks at CrossFit there was a WOD where we had to do wall balls and a few other things. I could not even do 10 wall balls without wanting to quit. Well, Saturday I did 150 in 8 minutes and 10 seconds!!! It was awful and awesome! I love the feel of the group cheering each other on, pushing, digging deep, it is so cool.

My vertical jump is 88 inches, I am short and heavy, this will only get better.

The rest of Saturday and all of Sunday my legs were screaming in protest with every step that I took. I was a little worried about working out again on Monday, but knew that I needed to.

Monday morning I woke up, looked at the WOD and seriously considered going back to bed. Holy Cow!

Level Two
A1. Ring Dips x6-8 x3 Rest :45
A2. DB Snatch x5/arm x3 Rest :45
A3. MB Walking Overhead Lunges x10/legx3 Rest :45
*Post weights to comments

5 Rounds
200m Run
15 Box Jumps (24″, 20″)
15 Tic Tacs/side (20 lb, 14 lb)
*Total time, Rx or scale recorded

For Ring dips I did something else and I don't remember what it is called, but I sat on a box then lowered myself off of it with my hands stationary, up and down. (crappy description, sorry)
Dumbbell snatches with 20# weights on both arms. I am working my left arm up to be as strong as my right, as of this point the 20# feels pretty heavy on the left.
MB Overhead lunges, I did reverse lunges while stabilizing on the pull up bars. Still working on my lunge mobility.

WOD thoughts. My legs are toast at this point. How exactly am I going to get through 5 rounds of this stuff? Even with rowing through the runs? Throughout the 30 minutes from reading to leaving, I formulated a plan. I would row and ride the Airdyne alternating. I would build my own "box" out of weight plates to make a larger platform than the 12inx12in red box that I have tried to jump on and failed, and I would do each round at a time, then repeat. (My problem with the red box is that I am bigger around than it is, so I have to make sure to keep my feet together and I am terrified of missing it and hurting myself to a point of not being able to continue working out.)

I told Boone that I was going to build my own box and he said ok, so off I went. I stacked 3 35# plates on top of each other and then put another stack right next to that one. A place for each foot. Wider than my body. Just make sure not to jump in the middle where they were not touching. I can do this.

3-2-1 Go! I rowed the first 200m, then walked confidently to my "box" and stood there. Seriously??? What is wrong with me? Just jump! I could not do it, so I just did step ups. Boone was so encouraging, "It's ok, just do what you can" I came back with "I did 150 wall balls on Saturday, apparently it is going to be only one step at a time" Round two came up and I decided I was going to jump on that blasted thing, and I DID!!! He wasn't looking until I had done 11, and by then I felt like flying! Round three I dedcided to put more height on and put a 25# plate on each stack, jump and land, 15 times! On the last round I snagged my toe on one of the plates and fell, in the air all I could think of was "preserve the knee" so I threw my shoulder across and came down on the side of my good knee and did a ninja roll. Those who witnessed were impressed :) Then I got up and jumped back on those plates and FINISHED! The last few tic tacs just about did me in and Caitlyn said "If you don't finish those I am going to make you do Tabata abs" Well that kicked it in, and I finished. 20:48. I felt amazing, but exhausted. As the day wore on, me legs felt everything that I had done the past few days and I really wished for the ability to pee standing up again. I had a moment that I thought I may have to spend the night at Fry's in the ladies room...standing from a sitting position=pain.

As I went to bed, at 8:30, I was wondering what Tuesday had in store for me and if I would even be able to get out of bed to do it. Amazingly enough, when I got up this morning I felt pretty good. Until I realized that we had to do a 2 mile run for time. Both kids grumbled and I said "Let's just go get this done"

Tusday's WOD
Level Two
Test 4: 1-Rep Max Power Snatch in 20 Minutes
Test 5: L-Sit Hold (2 attempts within the 60 Minutes of class time)
Test 6: 2-Mile Time Trial (2o Minute Cap)

1 rep Power Snatch was 65#! I need to learn to get more aggressive and know that I will be able to lift more there.

L-sit hold, scaled down to L hang hold, not really sure about one being easier than the other, either way, I am not to good at this. I hung from the bar and put my legs on the box..Wes said "ok, lift. Go ahead and lift your legs" I said "I did! Didn't you see them?" Well, they didn't move more than a half an inch off the box for a fraction of a second, so I did it for him again. Definitely room for improvement!

2 mile time trial~ hmmmm I don't really have much to say about this except I don't run. My knee is still in it's post injection, waiting for relief, stage and I knew it would really hurt if I tried to run. I didn't fancy rowing 2 miles (3200m) so I just decided to walk until I was told to stop. After the first lap my knee was hurting pretty bad so I told Wes that I would walk another lap and then get on the bike. After that lap, it was still hurting, but not worse, so I decided to keep going. I did 4 laps (1 mile) in just over 20 minutes. Room for improvement there also :)

Tomorrow we start our challenge. I am going to the store today and have recipes ready to go. 6 weeks of no sugar, no grains, eating whole foods, drinking LOTS of water, 8 hours of sleep, deal with stress, consistent exercise, and lots more. I will keep accountability on this blog as well as my daily log for my coaches. I am looking forward to this, will probably complain about it, may love parts of it, and will be changed more than I am at the end of it! Let's bring it!!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Everybody...LIFT and Squat!

Thursday morning back in the gym. I was a little worried about post injection workout especially since I haven't really done much since Tuesday. It was feeling pretty good so I decided to walk instead of row for the warmup run time. The old pain started, but none of the injection pain that I was having.

Warm up went ok, there was one movement that didn't work, but I don't remember now what it was :/

Today's WOD
Level Two
Strength/Make Up Day
A. DLs x4-5×4 @ 75-80% Rest 3:00
B. Pause Front Box Squat x5x4 @ RPE 8-9 Rest :30
C. Ab Circuit x 1 Rounds, No Rest:
- Superman Hold :60
- Plank Holds :90/side
- Tic-Tacs :60 total

Deadlifts I went 145# and on the last one, Boone said that it looked too easy, so I should have gone up. Next time :)

Pause Front Box Squats...I hate that box under my rear, it is just an invitation to sit. I started out with 55# and increased to 75#. I decided to keep it under my last weight because it was a squat and pause and I still was a little guarded about what my knee would do. Squat just to the box, pause 3 seconds, and push back up. It really felt good, heavy, but good. I think I chose the right weight to get these done.

Oh Lord, these AB circuits kill me everytime. I am sure that I have abs of steel under the insulation I am carrying. I can't wait to uncover them! Superman hold I lasted 45 seconds dropped and went back up for the rest of the time. Side planks, I really have a hard time getting my big rump off the floor for this one, but went up on my knees and came down/back up twice on each side. Tic Tacs...just yuck, but done.

I am missing my friend Jenny this week, she has been out all week fighting some kind of crud. I want her to come back soon!!

Saturday we start our Circle of Awesomeness Challenge. I will post details after our initial meeting on Saturday. Tomorrow, the girls and I will go in for our beginning stats. I have been wavering on whether or not to post my stats on here. I have decided that I have been honest in all ways and now is not the time to start hiding stuff. It is not like you can't look at my body and know that I have come a long way and still have a ways to go. It is just a fact. So, tomorrow, I will post all of my beginning stats. Then in 6 weeks I will post the end ones. It will be a good day!

Dr appointment on Tuesday

I can't believe that I forgot to blog about my dr appt!!

The first thing he asked me is "How was the injection I gave you in...09!!??" Well it was December of 09 and this is January of 12, but even then I guess it has been too long for me to say "it didn't work". He asked why I didn't come back and I told him that I just decided to live with it. But, now I am back because I am sick of living with it and ready to make it better.

Diagnosis: meniscus on the interior of my right knee cap is gone, bone on bone. Arthritis due to that. Condromalacia. blah, blah, blah....please just make it better.

Treatment: 18 guage needle into my knee with a very strong steriod that hopefully will do the trick.

Possible Future treatments: He said this should start working in 7-10 days and last several months. If this does not work there is a gel that can be injected into my joint that will provide a cushion for a year or two. Later down the road we might talk joint replacement.

Exercise advice: "I would rather you not do deep squats, listen to your body" There is a difference between "I would rather you not" and "don't do this" I choose to listen to my body and squat until it is not comfortable and we will go from there.

Aftermath: That afternoon my knee started hurting in the worst way, I called my mom (who used to work for my dr) and she said "hello, you had a big needle with foreign stuff put into your knee, of course it is going to hurt" What was I thinking?? Ice, ibuprofen, and rest was the course for the rest of Tuesday and Wednesday. Finally I could walk again with out it hurting.

Back in the gym Thursday morning, a little timid but doing everything :)

Skill Session = Workout and then a Workout

I know that "what doesn't kill me will make me stronger" and all of those other things are true, but oh my granny...these last two workouts have been a booger!

Today's WOD
Level Two
A1. Strict CTB Chin-ups 5-3-AMRAP Rest :60 (I did Ring Rows, tight and nice)
A2. Hang Snatch x2-3×5 @ RPE 8-9 Rest :60 (I used 35# if I remember correctly)
A3. Front Rack Reverse Lunges x5/legx3 @ Snatch Weight Rest :60 (still not using a bar, but stabilizing myself and getting all the way to my knee on the lunge)
*post pull-up reps and weight to comments

3 Rounds
6 CTB Pull-ups (Vets may scale up to Muscle-ups M:4, W:2 )
8 TnG Deadlifts @ 55-60%
10 KB Swings (24K, 16K)
*Rx, Time, and DL weight recorded

After a skill session that felt like a full on workout, especially since I did the snatches out of order and ended up doing 4 rounds of them instead of 3, we dove head into the WOD. Before I started I said "this is going to suck"...

I did ring rows, made sure I was leaning far back, keeping tight, lowering slowly so I could get my full range of motion for each one.
95# for touch and go deadlifts
12K (26#) for Kettlebell swings. Those stinking things may look easy but I will tell you that they. are. not. During that last round of them I wanted to say many bad words and was a little afraid that I might lose my grip on this weight and it would go sailing over my head and toward 15 more people all kajillion pounds of it!

3 rounds of craziness for 4 minutes and 37 seconds. I lifted myself up on the ring rows 18 times, deadlifted 95# 24 times, and I swung that 26# kettle bell between my knees and over my head 30 times (give or take one or two, I lost count once) By the way, it did suck, but I did it and am proud of myself and both of my girls for completing it!!

Some may ask, is that it? Only 4 minutes and 37 seconds for your workout?? I invite you to come hang out one morning, it is really too hard to explain what all we actually do in our full hour together, but know that the 4 min and 37 seconds just a small part of it :)

Monday, January 23, 2012


I got up this morning, went through my morning routine, which includes checking on the WOD, and almost crawled back into bed. OMG this will be a rough one. However, when you are on a journey like this you get a lot of sayings stuck in your head...one of them is, "If your workout doesn't scare you, you need to get a new workout" Well, this one scared the hell out of me.

Monday's WOD
Level Two
A1. HSPU xAMRAP (-2) x3 Rest :45
A2. Kip Toes to Bar xAMRAP (-2) x3 Rest :45
*Scale to a version you can complete at least 3 reps per round

15 Clean to Thruster 50-60% of C&J Max
800M Run

5:00 Active Rest
30 contacts of Jump Rope Singles
30 contacts of Jump Rope Ski Jumps
30 contacts of Jump Rope Double Unders

15 Clean to Thruster @ 50-60% of C&J Max
800 M Run
*Post final time and clean to thruster weight

For the skill session I did pike handstand pushups and did 5 each round. Then I did knees to waist/chest and did 3 each round.

I knew I would not be able to run 800m so I was ready to row my arms off, but the level 1 class was also rowing so I did the airdyne bike for my run.

I used 35# for my clean to thrusters and only stopped once each 15. I don't jump rope yet because getting high enough to get the rope under my feet consistently hurts my knee, I just jumped in place for all of the singles, side to side for the ski jumps and then in place again double for the double unders. I really hate it when I have to jump and everything else keeps jumping on my body.

OMG, that 1000m row. I had to wait a few minutes to get started because the rowers were full, and then after 250m I was ready to quit. This is the part I love about CrossFit. Everyone started cheering me on and encouraging me, I heard Boone say "pull back a little farther and get everything out of each pull" that was great, just do it and keep doing it, there was counting, "keep it up", "halfway there", "300 more, 200 more, 100 more, 50, 25, 2 more good pulls" I was done and I am so thankful for every word spoken! We haven't rowed that much in quite some time and I took everything I had left in me to get it done. Final time for WOD: 22:23 I finished and that is what matters!

Thursday's Strength Day

I forgot to blog about Thursday so today we get two entries!

Thursday's WOD
Level Two
Strength Session
A. Front Squats x2-3×5 RPE 8-9 Rest 3:00
B1. RDLs x4-6/Leg x3 @ 3111 Rest :45
B2. L-Sit x:30-:45 x3 Rest :30
B3. KB Cross Chops x15-20/side x3 Rest :30

I really love strength days because every week I get stronger. I partnered with Caitlyn and Sarah. I love all of my CFA girls but have a special bond with Caitlyn because she has been with me since the beginning. We lift at about the same weight so we are constantly pushing each other. We started out at 65#, increased to 70# where Sarah stayed and did great! After that we went up in 5# increments and at 85# I looked at Caitlyn and at the weights and started to say "let's do 100#", at the same time she said "you wanna do 100#?" We loaded the bar and off we went! We both got 3 reps and it felt great!!

After we were done Sarah wanted to try a 100# backsquat and she did one easy. Her next backsquat session will start at 100#!

RDL's were at 100# and felt loaded in the hammies like they were supposed to.

I am not at an L-sit yet, so I did hollow holds and did 2 of them for 30 sec! I have come so far on those :)

KB cross chops, we have been talking about those for three weeks, so I won't bore you. 12K (26lbs) still, hard, but good.

I left the gym feeling accomplished. 100# backsquat, heck ya baby!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tired of the pain

First of all my IT band stretch from last week is all better! Foam rolling is awesome and stretching is...well it just is :)

I forgot to check in on Thursday so here it is:
Thursday's WOD
Level Two
Strength/Make Up Day
A1. Front Squats x4x5 RPE 8-9 Rest :60
A2. Horizontal Ring Rows x12-15×3 Rest :90
B1. RDLs x6-8×3 @ 3111 Rest :45
B2. Push-up x10-12×3 Rest :45
C1. DB Ext. Rot. x12-15/arm @3010 x2 Rest :30
C2. Hollow Rocks x10-12×2 Rest :30
C3. KB Cross Chops x15-20/side x2 Rest :30

All of this felt good! We haven't done front squats in a while and I did 75#.
RDL's I used 75#
DB external rot. I used 10#
and KB cross chops 12K or 26#

I love strength day! Have I said that before?? I am sure that I have and will continue to do so :)

Monday we had a fitful night of sleep so we did not make it to class. When I did get up and read the WOD, I was sad, it looked like a good challenge and I am ready for those right now!!
Monday WOD
Level Two
Skill Session
A1. HSPU xAMRAP (-3) x5 Rest :45
A2. Kip Toes to Bar xAMRAP (-3) x5 Rest :45
A3. Hang Snatch x3x5 @ RPE 7 x 5 Rest :45
*Scale to a version you can complete at least 3 reps per round

3 Rounds
400m Run
15 Unbroken Thrusters (95 lbs, 65 lb)
20 Double Unders
*Total Time, Rx or Thruster Scaling weight recorded

Oh well, I will catch it next time it comes around!

Today, Haley and I were back in the gym. Sarah stayed home fighting allergies.
I started today with my knee bothering me before I left the house. I am about tired of this and have now made an appointment to have it looked at again on Tuesday.
I had to modify some of my warm up, and workout.

Tuesday WOD
Level Two
A1. Strict CTB Chin-ups 3-3-AMRAP (- 1) rest :90
A2. Broad Jumps x4x3 rest :90
A3. Front Rack Reverse Lunges x5/legx3 @ RPE 7 rest :90
*Post Final weight and reps for Chins, and Lunges to comments

4 Rounds
6 CTB Kip Pull-ups
9 TnG Deadlifts @ 50-55%
*Time, DL weight recorded, Rx = CTB Pull-up

I did ring rows instead of chinups, RDL's with 37# instead of broad jumps, and standing reverse lunges instead of front rack reverse lunges.

Then I did ring rows again for pull ups, and 65# for touch and go deadlifts. I should have gone more on my deadlifts but was a little intimidated by the amount of reps. I started with 87# and took the 5K's off.

I finished at 4:05.

To be honest, today I am annoyed with my body. My shoulder has had a catch in it for months, I have seen Dr. Jones, my Airrosti dr for it, and it is still there. It did get better, but still is a little bothersome in the mornings. I have a muscle spasm in my back that flares up all the time. It hurts, is a pain, and I just want to hit people when it is there (which lately is just about constant). I have also seen Dr. Jones for this and it helped for a while, but is back. And this stupid knee...2 years ago my orthopedist said that I have a bone spur that is chewing the meniscus. Sounds lovely. He gave me a shot and sent me on my way. I have had no relief from it and I am just ready to cut it off sometimes. (of course I know I cannot do that!)I have made an appointment for next Tuesday with my orthopedist again. I asked the lady on the phone to make sure he knows what CrossFit is, and she said "I will! I do CrossFit and I LOVE it!" Hopefully I will get some answers and not have surgery. If I do, I am prepared to have it on Thursday and be back in the gym on Monday working on upper body stuff. I can't stop, I really do love it :)

On a positive note, this weekend I cleaned out my closet and drawers, I have two bags of clothes that no longer fit. I am really excited about that!!! I also got a great email from a friend that thanked me for being open and honest on this blog. At times I feel a like I whine and complain on here, but I have decided that if that is what I feel like, I am not going to hide it. I want everyone to know that it is not all days of greatness, but when it is, I will let that hang out too!

Next Saturday, January 28th, we start the Circle of Awesomeness challenge. I can't wait to see what those 6 weeks bring to my life. I am in this for the long haul, sore, tired body and all :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My first time to not finish a WOD :(

Today I am sore from yesterday's abmat medicine ball situps, but other than that, everything feels pretty good when I walk in the gym!!

Today's WOD
Level Two
A. Strict CTB Chin-ups 5-5-AMRAP (- 2) Rest 3:00 B/t Sets
*Post Final weight and reps to comments

3 Rounds
12 Deadlifts @ 40-50%
Jump Rope: 25 Single Jumps
12 Kip Pull-ups
:45 Front Plank Hold
12 Tic Tacs (Per side)
Jump Rope: 25 Skier Jumps
12 Step-ups (Total, scale up explosive step-ups)
:45 Front Plank Hold
*Total Time and weight recorded

I don't do chest to bar chin ups and the scale that I went for today is partner pullups. I have not done those in several months, opting for jumping pullups or ring rows. Jenny was my wonderful partner who did AWESOME on her partner pullups!! When it was my turn I got up on the bar and set my feet on her thighs and felt something pull in my right thigh. I tried to do the pullup but could not get it, so I just went back to ring rows. I was a little concerned about the pulling, sore feeling in my thigh, but just tried to shake it off. We finished and moved onto some jump rope skills. I just am awful at these and must get my own rope and do them at home every day so I can get better.

I started my WOD with 95# on my deadlift, just single jumps on my toes with no rope, ring rows, almost a 45 sec front plank hold, 12 tic tacs with a 6# med ball, and after that my thigh started to feel kind of like it was cramping, so I sat down and rubbed it out, or tried to. Wes asked what was up and I told him, we modified my WOD and a few moves later, it was still hurting, everything was hurting it :( So he had me foam roll it. That really hurt and we determined it was a really tight IT band that I probably pulled a little when I did the total bend for my partner pull up. Hit the bike for the rest of class time and then got off to cheer on Haley, Sarah and Jenny as they finished up the WOD. This was a really intense workout and everyone did so well!!

I will take care of my IT band, foam roll, ice, stretching, and be back in the gym on Thursday. I don't like not finishing. I will scale all day, but I want to finish. I also know when to listen to my coach, He knows what he is talking about and if he says that I am done for the day, that is that. Tomorrow is another day :)

Monday, January 9, 2012

Oh my achin' shoulders....

Last week really trashed my body. What Monday's work capacity test didn't make sore, Thursday's overhead squats did. HOWEVER...I kinda like feeling like that :) I really never thought I would feel so good about feeling so dang sore. Yesterday I finally woke up feeling good again, and today it was back to the gym!!

Today's Skill and WOD
Skill Session
Hang Power Snatch 4×5 – 35lbs
HSPU 4×5 – Pike on floor
Kipping TTB 4×5 – Knee Raises

5 Rounds (2 min on / 1 min off):
5 Clean to Thruster
Agility Square (Side Single Step, Double step forward, Side Double in/out, Backwards Cowboy)
8 Hurdle Hops
MB Sit-ups

First let me say that I really stink of remembering how many of what for how many rounds, so during today's skill session I did 5 reps on each until the last two rounds when someone said something about 5 rounds of 4? and I realized that I was being an overachiever. Oh well, it was good for me! I was a little worried that 35# might be too heavy, but know that with only a bar my snatches are awful, so I just went for it. It felt just right :)

This WOD was pretty hard. I made it through at least 1 round of the exercises each round of time, once I was 2 exercises into my second round and almost every time I did 1 exercise into my 2nd round. At the end I was spent. At one point I was doing the situps and had my eyes closed, Haley came by and when I opened my eyes, she started singing in my face. I told her that if she had that much energy that she needed to up her weights! Crazy girl! She and Sarah did great this morning :)

I am a little worried about my shoulders after all of the overhead work today, but it is going to make me have some pretty nice back muscles for the summer!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

converting kajillion ...

So I found out what my kettlebell weighed...12kg which equals 26.46 pounds! In my opinion that is a kajillion pounds when doing KB cross chops :)

Over and over these overhead squats

Being out of the gym (unscheduled) for more than a day is a nuisance for me. (add that to the never thought I would say that book) So when a nasty allergy head keeps me out for two days it really ticks me off. But on the other hand, I was a little happy to rest my body from that Work Capacity day on Monday. My hamstrings and traps were still pretty whiny when I went to bed last night. but 5:30 came and Sarah and I got in the car like a couple of troupers.

Today's WOD
Level Two
Strength/Make Up Day
A1. OVHD Squat or Frank Squat x10-12×3 @ 20X2 Rest :45
A2. Horizontal Ring Rows x10-12×3 @ 30X1 Rest :45
B1. Front Rack Reverse Lunges x6-8/Leg x3 @ 20X1 Rest :45
B2. DB Bench Press x4+4+4 (Right+Left+ Both)x3 Rest :45
C1. DB Ext. Rot. x12-15/arm @3010 x2 Rest :30
C2. Hollow Rocks x8-10×2 Rest :30
C3. KB Cross Chops x15-20/side x2 Rest :30

I love strength day, which has now moved from Tuesday to Thursday and I had absolutely no desire to make up any of the torture WOD's from the past few days, so off we went.

I did my overhead squats at 35# which I felt really good with. Of course, Wes would like to see me get "about an inch lower" We have this on going conversation that goes like this..me doing any kind of squat with weight and saying in my head "lower, lower, lower...no box, no box, no box" and then Wes saying out loud "just about a inch lower Cindy" to which I will go just about an inch lower because I don't want that dreaded box under my behind.... I know it is so I know when I have gone as low as I am supposed to that I will touch the box with my bootie, but really all I want to do is sit on it, not touch and go back up. That is my motivation! Well, today I went lower and felt something different. I think I now know what getting low enough feels like. There is a weird spot that I get to where I cannot arch my back any more and I feel my tailbone go straight. I am sure that is not the best explanation, but when I felt that he said "Good!!" So I knew I nailed it :) Three rounds with horizontal ring rows in between. I am not so great at the horizontal part, but I laid back as far as I knew I could and got 10 each round with great form!

Front Rack Reverse Lunges and Dumbell Bench Press. My lunges in any direction just suck. Honest truth. I am just top heavy and balance is not that great, so I started doing these with my weights and Wes pulled me aside to do them unweighted using the stand of the pullup bar for assistance. That works so well!! I am going to master this lunge! I used 10# for the dumbell press and am annoyed I really should have used 15, oh well, cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it. There is always next time!

DB External Rotators, Hollow Rocks, Kettlebell CrossChops (what?)
I did 10# external rotators and it felt great. Last time, a few weeks ago, I used 10 on my right arm but had to go to 5 on my left. I just said that with my job my right arm is stronger, but I guess I proved that wrong today!
Hollow Rocks just suck, nuf said.
Kettlebell Crosschops, I had no idea what those were when I walked into the gym and neither did anyone else, so we got a demonstration. I don't even know if I can explain it. You hold the KB with both hands like you want it to be in your pocket, standing in a semi squat, abs in, butt out; then you swing it toward your opposite shoulder across your chest, while moving to a standing position, so you are rotating your upper torso. Well, I grabbed a baby KB that weighed 5, 10, a kajillion pounds maybe? I really don't know, all I know is that it was the smallest and it was not light. We all forgot how many reps we were supposed to do so we did 5 and then went and checked the board...wrong! 15-20 per side, holy cow!! I did figure out that once you got started it was not awful to do that many, but it wasn't easy by any measure!

It felt good getting back into the gym today. I may sneak in one tomorrow.

On a sad note, a very dear friend of mine passed away this afternoon. I am heartbroken because he was only 45 and leaves behind one of my very best friends. His poor body was just tired and ready to go home. I know that he is with Jesus and is no longer in pain, but still my selfish self wants him to not be gone. He will be a constant motivation to me in the gym in spirit. Rest in eternal peace, my friend.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Well that cleaned my clock!

You know those mornings that you turn over and get really comfortable...and then your alarm goes off? That was me this morning, but I was NOT missing my workout, so after laying around for a few minutes I got up :(

This is work consumption month at CrossFit Austin. The same as November, jeez, those kicked my bootie! But I am ready to get back into the gym on a regular basis and think I am ready for whatever is thrown at me!!

Today's WOD
Level Two
8 Min Work Capacity Test
8 minute of :30 on/:30 off
Power Clean to Overhead @ 40-45% of Body Weight

Let me start off with this...even though I have lost weight, I still cannot clean or overhead 40-45% of my body weight. So I went with 45#. We lifted for 8 rounds of 30 seconds on and 30 seconds of rest. I stayed between 6 and 8 lifts per round and we wore heart rate monitors. We did it with a partner and Haley asked to be mine. Have I mentioned how excited I am to have these girls in class with me??? I volunteered to go first, because I like to get it out of the way! The first 4 rounds were going pretty well, just more exhausting each time I picked up the bar...but during and after the 5th round I felt like I might pass out (breathing is important) so I laid down for a few seconds. Scared my sweet kid to death, her heart rate went up 20 beats on her heart monitor. Then I got up and finished...just had to take a quick break! I ended up with 51 total lifts at 45# and a heart rate of 184.

Then it was my turn to rest and keep record for Haley. I didn't realize that I would get to watch Haley and have Sarah in the background with her partner. They both looked great! Haley used 25# and had 71 lifts with a heart rate of 200 and Sarah used 25#, had 78 lifts and a heart rate of 208. All heart rates were taken right after we finished and came back to normal quickly after we were done :)

Tonight, I am feeling these in my legs, forearms, and shoulders. Feels good!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

January 1st, weigh day

After a while at CrossFit I got on the scale and had lost 15 pounds. A week later I got on it again and had gained 5 back. I was so frustrated that I vowed not to step on the scale again until January. Well today is that day. I have had so many people ask me how much weight I have lost and now I can tell them the gigantic number! 20 pounds give or take a pound or two since I weighed on a scale that I haven't ever used. Am I excited about 20 pounds? Of course I am. I am finally below 250. But if you ask me what I am most excited about, it is that I have gone down from a size 24 jean to a size 18, size 24/26 shirt to size 18/20. To put this in some perspective let's talk about weight and clothes size. I delivered Haley at 250 (17 years ago), I had an 8 lb 8 oz baby and all of the excess that goes with it, and I was at the weight I pretty much am now. Before I got pregnant and after I delivered her I wore a size 22/24, at the weight I am now. When I got married (23 years ago) I don't remember what weight I was but I know I was not 250, but I wore a size 18 jean and 18/20 shirt.

So, let's get back to my big weigh in today. It is just not important to me what is on the scale. What is important to me is that I look good, feel good, and the size of my pants and shirts keeps dropping.

Today I will take note of that weight as well as some measurements that I should have done in August when I started. This will all be for my baseline, January 1, 2012. I will weigh and measure on the first of every month.

I know that how much weight a person has lost is the hot topic of today's society, but it will not be the way that I measure success any more. When asked, I will just say, it really doesn't matter, but look at these jeans, or these muscles, now that is awesome!!